i (i) wrote,

we made it as far as Hermosillo today. the trip was largely uneventful, with only a cursory inspection of the farbel truck at the aduana post on the highway. "do you have any guns?" "no! no me gusta armas!" "Quien es?" (meaning the stencil on my truck) "San Cristobal" "Ah. Que le vaya bien!" stopped to take photos of a huge Virgen de Guadalupe by the side of the highway. after we finally found the hotel, we sat in a little hole in the wall cafe across the street and had tecate and tacos (shrimp). then walked a bit. now resting in the hotel. tomorrow we will take a short walk around town and head farther south, probably lunching in Guaymas and staying the night in Los Mochis. we should hit the beach (Mazatlan) by Tuesday!

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