i (i) wrote,

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the first thing i did this morning on the way to work was to stop at the local circle k, where i always get my coffee. the proprieters and i are always friendly. we say hi, comkment on the days events, whatever. they are muslim. they happen to be from india, but to the average american they are just another dark skinned rag-head. i needed to make contact somehow, to bring a little peace to a small part of my world and theirs. so i walked up to each one of them, took his hand, looked him in the eye, and said "peace to you". i checked in on them on my way home also. thankfully, no angry ignorants had bothered them today.

i disabled responses here, because i am not looking for accolades. i am not posting this to feel good about myself, or to gain your admiration. i am posting this because there are muslim americans in all our lives, arab americans too. seek them out. they are horrified by what has happened too, and they are going to experience the backlash. look them in the eye and offer some peace. touch their lives in a positive way.

also, at 9PM pacific time tonight (GMT-7), light a candle if you are up, and help send a blanket of peaceful thoughts up to begin the healing of this vast wound we all are bleeding from.

peace. i love you.

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