Your Livejournal Analysis
Your Livejournal's Age
According to the information you provided, your Livejournal was created on 2000-08-01, meaning that your journal has been around for 892 days. What does this mean?
You are something of a dinosaur on Livejournal, having been around for over 2 years. You might even have one of those early adopter accounts. You probably joined Livejournal long before most of your friends, long before it was as popular as it was today. As a result, you are something of an icon in the community, and more than likely well known. Don't let it get to your head, or are you already bashing those poor newbies?
Your Livejournal Friends
Now let's talk about your friends list. You indicated that you have 230 LJ friends.
You are going a little overboard, don't you think? Okay, sure, your journal has been around a while, but still. You can't possibly be reading all of those journals, and you can't possibly say that they are all friends of yours. Let's be honest, you could probably do with going in and removing some of those names from your list, make it a little more reasonble, eh?
You also have been listed as a friend by 239 users.
This is where things start to get silly. You are way too popular for your own good. Riiight. Too many people list you as a friend, and probably you have far too many people listed yourself. You don't know half of these people, and half of them don't know you, and you skim by each others' posts. Though it's possible you are some kind of Livejournal God ..
Finally in this category, you have a friends to friends-of ratio of 0.96234309623431.
This is an average ratio, meaning you have nearly (or maybe exactly) the same number of friends as people who have listed you as a friend. There's a good chance you add back everyone who has added you, and only add people who haven't added you if they are a good friend and chances are they'll be adding you back anyway.
Your Posting Habits
You have indicated that to date, you have made 2291 entries into your Livejournal. This gives us an average post rate of 2.5683856502242 posts per day.
You are posting more than twice a day, making you quite the busy and avid LJ user. You don't hesitate to make your daily updates, telling the world what's been going on, and you may even update a few times in the day. More than likely you are throwing in webquizzes and random thoughts from time to time, and you might even see it fit to hop on to the computer and update with every little mood swing you encounter!
Your Commenting Habits
According to your information, you have posted 20154 comments and have recieved 20936 of them over the lifetime of your journal. Let's see what this information can mean.
First of all, this indicates that you have been getting an average of 9.1383675250982 comments for every Livejournal entry that you make.
With an average of at least 2 comments per post or greater, you enjoy a healthy dialogue with your friends and get a lot of response to what you have to say. You might also be posting those silly web quizzes, or making entries that are so interesting or so unusual that people can't help but to comment. Either that, or you just have a buttload of friends.
A more fair measure of how many comments you get might be your average number of comments per post per friend, which is 0.039732032717818. This may seem low to you, especially if you have lots of friends.
The final statistic is the ratio of your comments to comments you get. Your ratio is 0.96264807030951. The higher the ratio, the more talkative you are compared to your friends, comment-wise.
That's it for now! Perhaps there was something insightful in this analysis, and perhaps you learned absolutely nothing. Feel free to post your results on your own Livejournal, and invite your friends to take the Livejournal Analysis today!