What are you wearing? jeans and a brooklin maine sweatshirt
Is there a song that makes you want to jump around and sing off key really loudly? "Bouncing Round the Room," by Phish. i didn't have to change this one:)
Are there others? after a couple of beers, lots
What do you think of Tom Waits? what is he building in there?
If you had $5.35, a harmonica, and some gum in your pocket, what would you do with it? forget it was there and wash my pants, creating a new life form in the process.
Wine: red, white, or sangria? no quiero vino, quiero solamente negra modelo
What has been the most influential book in your life? the bible
Why? Because its tentacles reach into every crevice of our society, sometimes with good results, sometimes not.
Are any Rowdy Roddy Pieper movies worth watching? who?
If you had a mutant superpower, what kind of costume would you wear? i would go naked
Hot black rage or seething white intensity? purple passion
What could quench your insatiable appetite? true love
Could you blend in with the upper crust at a society function? Probably not
Would you want to? definitely not.
True or false: Leonard Cohen is boring. if he bores you, chances are we wouldn't get along.
Would you rather have people call you a hipster doofus or a swinging hepcat? i would rather they call me dave
If you could be a luscious piece of ass or brilliant and cute, which would you choose? the latter.
What’s your favorite breakfast? two eggs over easy, thick bacon, fresh salsa, home fries and COFFEE.
How would you define/explain your CD collection? large and diverse
Do you have a cell phone? three, all free with unlimited minutes.