[Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<b.love>') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]
Nahima's question about platonic relationships the other day, which I answered very awkwardly since I was confused, has got me thinking. Leaving the word platonic aside, consider these four elements of a relationship. Not the only four, but I think they will clarify what I was trying to say yesterday.
Most combinations of these are possible. Lets look at some of them.
Love without sex, commitment, or monogamy.
Can you have love without commitment? I think love in itself is a commitment unless it is unexpressed.
Sex without love, commitment, or monogamy.
To me, this is like two people using each other's bodies to masturbate. That's fine, but personally, I am unable to have sex without creating in myself the illusion of love, which is very dangerous, and has led to a lot of pain, for myself and some of my partners.
Love and sex, without commitment or monogamy.
This is what I think some people were talking about in the responses to nahima's post. Some people can do this, I can't. If I am sharing that kind of intimacy with someone, I want it to be exclusive. I should say that I did do this once, and in the end, when I found someone I wanted to be exclusive with, I lost a friend.
Love, commitment and monogamy without sex.
This is the old fashioned way. Wait until sealing the commitment with a ceremony before sex. Why wait if you are in love, committed and monogamous?
Love, commitment, and sex without monogamy.
Some couples can do this, (evidently the Clintons are one), I think I could possibly handle it if there was no deception involved, although that damn illusion rears its head again.
This probably wasn't any clearer than my previous answer.
Most combinations of these are possible. Lets look at some of them.
Love without sex, commitment, or monogamy.
Can you have love without commitment? I think love in itself is a commitment unless it is unexpressed.
Sex without love, commitment, or monogamy.
To me, this is like two people using each other's bodies to masturbate. That's fine, but personally, I am unable to have sex without creating in myself the illusion of love, which is very dangerous, and has led to a lot of pain, for myself and some of my partners.
Love and sex, without commitment or monogamy.
This is what I think some people were talking about in the responses to nahima's post. Some people can do this, I can't. If I am sharing that kind of intimacy with someone, I want it to be exclusive. I should say that I did do this once, and in the end, when I found someone I wanted to be exclusive with, I lost a friend.
Love, commitment and monogamy without sex.
This is the old fashioned way. Wait until sealing the commitment with a ceremony before sex. Why wait if you are in love, committed and monogamous?
Love, commitment, and sex without monogamy.
Some couples can do this, (evidently the Clintons are one), I think I could possibly handle it if there was no deception involved, although that damn illusion rears its head again.
This probably wasn't any clearer than my previous answer.